Things I'm Never Buying Again- Because I Can Win Them

I'm a fairly frugal person and love getting good deals. However, there are some things that I've decided I'm never buying again because I can win them instead.

  1. Statement earrings- Now this is something I love to win, so keep on tagging me, but this is also something I never need to purchase again. I've won SEVEN pairs of earrings since mid-March. I won a subscription for statement earrings. I do not need to purchase any more and I need you guys to keep me honest. 
  2. Skincare products- There are so many people out there posting about makeup and skincare and they have a lot of products to give away. Recently, I won Puriface Hydrogel Face Wash which can easily be purchased through Amazon if you're looking to buy. They actually sent me a link to it on Amazon which makes it look like a lot of people are purchasing it. So if someone were perusing skin care products on Amazon, their product would likely show up higher in the search results and more sales gives them more credibility even if some of those were given away.  
  3. Books- Bookstagram is poppin' people. I did not realize how many authors had social media accounts and gave away books. And there are regular people who love to read and love to give books away too! I've seen multiple contests where the host will buy you whatever book you want or send you a gift card to a bookstore. I won an ebook from the author of Wolfborn: The Book of Hawthorne, who is also selling it here (support a new author!). I love the idea of giving away ebooks because the giveaway host does not have to ship anything. 
  4. Water bottles- I've won three nice metal water bottles in just two months. I am normally a person who just uses one water bottle until it breaks, so three is more than enough for me. I will likely not be entering as many of these giveaways unless I see something that I know a friend or family member would really like. 
  5. Gifts for friends or family members- This may seem mean or rude or just really cheap of me, but hear me out. I can go wander around Target and buy something that I think my mom will like, or I can give her $50 worth of Starbucks gift cards, some homemade candles, and a shirt I bought for her with a boutique gift card without spending any money myself. My mom taught me to be smart with money so I think she'd appreciate the hard work. If anyone out there is giving away anything my mom would like, hit me up.  
Is there anything you've won or seen a lot of? Anything you're never buying again because you can win it? Comment below! And as always, good luck entering!

This post contains affiliate links. I will receive commission (so I can pay my bills and stuff) if you use them at no extra cost to you. 


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