Should You Make a Separate Account for Giveaways?

Since starting Amber Wins Contests a mere six months ago, I’ve seen a lot of people follow in my footsteps and also create accounts so that they could enter giveaways without annoying their friends and family on their real accounts. So today, I will share some reasons why you should or shouldn’t make an account for giveaways.

When I saw the first person make an account for giveaways right after me, I was a little offended. How could she just steal my genius idea? Luckily, I then remembered that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery which is good because I’ve seen many people make giveaway accounts since then.

Do it:
1. You won’t annoy your friends when you tag them in another earring giveaway.
2. You won’t be as worried about your profile’s aesthetic and instead will repost to your feed without a care in the world and rake in those bonus entries. And you'll have no worries about anyone unfollowing you for posting so many giveaways.
3. You can also share to your stories for bonus entries without worrying what your ex-boyfriend thinks.
4. A giveaway account will help you find TONS of people to tag in giveaways. These people don’t mind and you won’t be annoying them. I recommend having a post that reads something like, “Want to be tagged in giveaways? Comment below.” Most people will let you tag them in anything. I keep a note in my phone of this list so that I can reference it while tagging people on Instagram. This is probably the best reason to make an account for giveaways.

Don’t do it:
1. Some people won’t let you enter their giveaways. I’ve seen (dumb) rules where the host of the giveaway says, “No giveaway accounts.” Ugh, giveaway accounts have rights too. We’re real people. To get around this, name your account something without the words “contest, giveaway, win” so that they don’t know. I’ve obviously blatantly ignored that and still manage to win giveaways on @amberwinscontests but maybe I could be doing better. In these cases, I just enter the giveaway using my personal account.

2. Maybe someone draws your name as a winner, goes to your profile, and sees how many giveaways you’ve won. They might be like “Oh, this person wins so much that I’m going to choose a different winner.” This is definitely a risk.

Obviously I'm a little biased here so I have more reasons for why you should do than for why you shouldn't. If this all has convinced you to create an account, here are some accounts to follow to get you started.
1. @amberwinscontests If you’re not already following me, I have no idea how you found this blog.
2. @quinncontests
3. @kirawinsgiveaways
4. @hammmm08
4. @tristinwins
5. @brokecollegestudent3583

As always, good luck entering!


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