October Winnings

Welcome back to my monthly post where I recap what giveaways I won this month. Overall, October was kind of slow but the prizes were good. 1. @delmontefresh gave away hundreds of banana suits and I won one. Here is my super cute boyfriend modeling it. Stephen, this is a test to see if you read my blog. 2. @girlgangthelabel has been killing on Instagram lately with the giveaways. I got a $20 gift card by sharing their post to my story. 3. And a few days later I got another $20 gift card from @girlgangthelabel for commenting on their post. These gift cards did expire but I used each one to buy a cute mug which had free shipping. I posted the below photo on Instagram with the caption “Does anyone else think @sarablakely would like one of these mugs?” because she always posts photos with empowering mugs and SHE LIKED AND COMMENTED ON MY PHOTO. She’s the founder of Spanx and a total Girl Boss and wow I want to be her. 4. @poshnebraska has started doing $10 ...