
Showing posts from April, 2019

Random vs. Efforts-Based Contests

Do you find yourself entering lots of contests without winning anything? Maybe you're entering the wrong contests. Most contests can fall into one of two categories. Random or efforts-based. Many people enter a lot of random contests with poor odds and don't win anything. Ever. Random contests include those that say "Share this and tag 3 friends" or "Enter your email for a chance to win" and can have a really large number of entries because they're so easy to enter. Efforts-based contests are exactly what they sound like. They involve more effort than just tagging a couple friends. These include contests where you have to get the most likes, guess the number of something in a jar, or be the first one to respond. Efforts-based contests is where I win most. The more effort involved, the fewer people who enter. If the prize is good enough, it's worth your time. This is where I won my iPad Pro, my Oreo sweater, a hammock, multiple gift cards, ...

Finding Contests to Enter

In a past post , I mentioned that some contests are not worth entering. It can be for a variety of reasons usually that your odds of winning are super low, meaning you are wasting your time. So here is how to find some "good" contests to enter. 1. Follow #giveaway. This is something that I did when starting to help me find a lot of contests. They don't always have the best odds, but you can find plenty of contests with less than 100 entries which are GREAT to enter. 2. Follow your favorite small businesses. Plenty of small businesses host giveaways to increase their followers. Your odds are great in these, so check if your hairdresser, favorite boutique, or local restaurant has a Facebook or Instagram. 3. Find people online who enter a lot of contests. Let them know they can tag you in contests which will increase their odds and help you find plenty of contests. For the first month of my Instagram account (@amberwinscontests) I spent my time looking up a bunch of...